During some parts of the day, the monitoring tool https://shiny.synapse.org/users/tyu/DM_Challenge_Shiny/?TRAINING=7213944 becomes unavailable ``` Too Many Users Sorry, but this application has exceeded its quota of concurrent users. Please try again later. ``` Could you bump its allocated quota? Without it we're blind. Cheers Bob

Created by Bob Kemp BobK
Bob: Yes, we are working on a solution to the concurrency limit for this tool, which allows you to stop your submission. To *monitor* your submission however, there are a few other tools you can use: To see the status of your running submissions, please scroll to the bottom of this page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759 (under the section Quotas and Limits). You will see your running submission(s). The details of any given submission are available in the form of log files returned to you periodically. For example it looks like your latest log files were returned here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7353144 Finally, there is a problem with our submission processing queue which we are currently working to fix and which seems to have affected your latest submission, in the form of the error "Row id: 27 has been changed ...". We are working to fix it but in the meantime you can simply resubmit your last submission. Sorry for the inconvenience. ${leaderboard?path=%2Fevaluation%2Fsubmission%2Fquery%3Fquery%3Dselect%2B%2A%2Bfrom%2Bevaluation%5F7213944%2Bwhere%2BuserId%253D%253D%25223345097%2522&paging=true&queryTableResults=true&showIfLoggedInOnly=false&pageSize=100&showRowNumber=false&jsonResultsKeyName=rows&columnConfig0=none%2CSubmission ID%2CobjectId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig1=none%2C%2Cstatus%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig2=userid%2CSubmitter%2CuserId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig3=epochdate%2C%2CcreatedOn%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig4=epochdate%2C%2CTRAINING%5FSTARTED%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig5=epochdate%2C%2CmodifiedOn%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig6=none%2C%2CrepositoryName%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig7=none%2C%2CFAILURE%5FREASON%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig8=none%2C%2CWORKER%5FID%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig9=synapseid%2C%2CentityId%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig10=synapseid%2C%2CSUBMISSION%5FFOLDER%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig11=none%2C%2Cname%3B%2CNONE&columnConfig12=synapseid%2C%2CMODEL%5FSTATE%5FENTITY%5FID%3B%2CNONE}

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