Hi, according to this post : https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion/threadId=1089 we figured out that our preprocessing also is very slow caused by the slow I/O disk operations. Now our idea is to load some images into a ramdisk partition to speed up the preprocessing. Therefore this partition has to be created and mounted inside the docker container. But the mount command is only allowed when the container runs in privileged mode (flag --privileged). So the question is, if you are running the container in privileged mode or if it is possible to do so.

Created by Michael Mielimonka mimie001
> if you are running the container in privileged mode or if it is possible to do so. We will absolutely not run your container in privileged mode, which would be a severe security risk. Also, be aware that your container has no network access while it runs.
Hi Michael, In the thread that you mentioned, I don't think that you are showing clearly that IO disk operations are slow. Can you please: 1. Show the output of the _dd_ commands that I gave you to test read and write speed. 2. Specify the read/write speed that you consider as very slow Thanks! Thomas

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