Dear Bruce, The Row id <> has been changed has been problem, [( click here see previous discussion thread)](!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion/threadId=1084) and many have restarted their job. Is their permanent solution to this problem? I have restarted my syn7412271 id task. ``` Row id: 17 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again. ```

Created by Chetak Kandaswamy chetak
Thanks for your patience. At long last a fix is in place. Deploying code fixes has been tricky because your submissions may be long running jobs and the 'old' code could not be updated without stopping/restarting a running job. (The ability to upgrade our code without interrupting your submission is one of several improvements we have implemented. Another improvement is that infrastructure errors such as this one will be sent to our administrators, not to you, so that corrective action can be taken.) The 'new' submission processing code is up on about half our servers. There are four on-going submissions supervised by the 'old' system: 7399304 (mnottale), 7373662 (ArtzenLabs), 7325067 (kuriso), and 7355386 (luli.zou). When these end we will upgrade the remaining servers. All other pending (N=1) and in-progress (N=5) jobs are/will be supervised by the updated system and should not encounter this problem again.   We regret the inconvenience you have experienced but are hopeful that working through these issues will help ensure a smooth process once the competitive phase is open.   Thank you.
yeah, i got the same problem too, Row id: 31, with a preprocessing container too, tried to re-submit it but....failed again.
Even after restarting the job, the Row id N fails. ``` Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge,, has stopped before completion. The message is: Row id: 17 has been changed since last read. Please get the latest value for this row and then attempt to update it again. ```

Preprocessing container fails of Row id problem? page is loading…