Is it possible to make submissions using Docker for Windows?

Created by Bkmz
1. Is it a requirement for this competition that the Docker container should be run on Linux machine? We know that Amazon can provide Windows VM. 2. If we will find the way to use Windows inside Docker container, can you run our programs from this container? How we should name our programs? Can for example be a Windows script?
@Bkmz: As Thomas said, you can run Docker on Windows. More details here: But it sounds like your question is whether Windows software can run within a Docker container. Docker containers run on a Linux platform so some sort of mapping from Windows to Linux would have to be achieved. A quick search for "Windows" in DockerHub yields some hits for cross compilers, but I don't see a Dockerized Windows runtime that would run on Linux. It's a very interesting question to pursue. Please let the community know how you decide to address the issue.
Sorry to be unclear. Our software is using Windows. So we need Windows inside Docker. Is it possible?
Sorry, I miss read the question: yes, you should be able to build your (unix) Docker container on a Windows machine. :)
I'm able to build and push docker images with Docker for Windows. The containers are running Ubuntu, but my machine is running Windows. I haven't had any problems with this setup, except for pre-testing due to the differences in sharing volumes. So, it works, but it's definitely easier to have a linux machine.
For use Docker for Windows we need Windows computer. Can you provide us Windows VM from Amazon?
Most likely not. If you succeed doing so, please let us know!

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