PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop> git clone Cloning into 'dm-python-example'... remote: Counting objects: 46, done. remote: Total 46 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 46 Unpacking objects: 100% (46/46), done. Checking connectivity... done. PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop> docker build -t**syn123456**/dm-python-example . unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\Do ckerfile: The system cannot find the file specified. PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop> docker build -t . unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\Dockerfile: The system cannot f ind the file specified. PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop> cd .\dm-python-example\ PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example> docker build -t**syn123456**/dm-python-example . Sending build context to Docker daemon 122.9 kB Step 1 : FROM python ---> 175259937daf Step 2 : RUN pip install pydicom ---> Using cache ---> d555921106c2 Step 3 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> 48c7585166eb Step 4 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> f57c0f674bbb Step 5 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> d6870fb14326 Step 6 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> 675f709f68f7 Step 7 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> 06511063266d Successfully built 06511063266d SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context wi ll have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories. PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example> docker login Username (richa10): Password: Login Succeeded PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example> docker push**syn7436246**/dm-python-example The push refers to a repository [] An image does not exist locally with the tag: PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example>

Created by Richa Agarwal Richa10
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Solved there was the problem in build. I was using the wrong synapse id to build the image and then trying to push it. Checked using **docker images**. PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example> docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE latest 06511063266d 44 minutes ago 690.8 MB latest 06511063266d 44 minutes ago 690.8 MB**syn7436246**/dm-python-example latest 06511063266d 44 minutes ago 690.8 MB python latest 175259937daf 4 days ago 682.3 MB hello-world latest c54a2cc56cbb 3 months ago 1.848 kB PS C:\Users\Richa\Desktop\dm-python-example> docker push The push refers to a repository [**syn7436246**/dm-python-example] f364d8c10deb: Pushed 544c48812952: Pushed 865b0d48738d: Pushed 788dd8d4acb8: Pushed 4355e4f5fa97: Pushed bb1e51dd8711: Pushed 870c40083794: Pushed 1ac1dca52f20: Pushed dcfda398b984: Pushed 2681a05b8f82: Pushed 33c3a104206a: Pushed 149636c85012: Pushed f96222d75c55: Pushed **latest: digest: sha256:1e28ad569521901ee20e38e1ff5dfbd21b7ecb395fbe98abd25a8c61d2dc6531 size: 3042** Sorry for confusing others.

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