Hello! In the rules you state that there is a limited server time for each entity taking part in the contest. Is the time limited person-wise or team-wise? Thanks, Mateusz

Created by MSusik
> The limit of 14 days per round per team is extremely stringent The bigger picture is that participants have up to six weeks of time quota for the duration of the Challenge (2 weeks per round). We are constantly trying to improve the environment in which you will be working and increasing the time quota is an element that I always keep in mind (if we can we will do it). Thank you for taking the time to discuss this as I'm sure there are several participants who share the same concern.
OK, what I am trying to say is the following. The limit of 14 days per round per team is extremely stringent given the enormous size of the data set. The computational bottleneck will be disproportionately significant in relation to the appropriateness of the network architecture. If this limit doesn't change, this competition is likely to go in one of the two (highly undesirable in my opinion) directions: * extreme optimisation of the code to train a simple model quickly. * participants trying to bypass the time limit in various ways. Having said that, I will still participate.
Giving a larger time quota to a team to train its method would place individual (by choice or necessity) participants at a disadvantage.
Team-wise limit is a bad idea. Given how small the limit is (14 days per round, as far as I remember), it's a very strong incentive not to form a team or form a team in the last minute. Why not set the limit to something to something like 7 * min(size(team), 5)?
Yes, the time quota is team-wise.
If it's person-wise, I would add my entire family to my team. **:D**

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