We keep our logs, and this will help coordinate them with email responses. Thank you.

Created by Russ Ferriday snaggle
Thanks for getting back, Bruce. Yes, quite right about how you are naming things, and it's all good. Since we keep our logs unzipped for easy grepping, and sort on creation date, having a more meaningful yet still unique file name (the .txt file) that ties to the repository name would be helpful. It seemed to me that adding these to the env would be easiest for you, now that many people are presumably already processing logs, and may have tools set up. But if you want to put the info in the .txt file name, that would also work. Maybe both? --r.
Russ, we embed this information in the log file name (sort of): The log file *folder* is named `_`, where the Docker repo name is `docker.synapse.org//`. The log *file* is named `__logs.zip` where is `preprocessing` or `training`. The change we can make to address your request is to further add the submissionid to the log *file* name. Also I realize that the name of the unzipped file is a random string. We can change this to match the zipped file name.

Feature request: Please put submission ID and docker image name in ENV vars in each container page is loading…