We have had this several times sine about 5AM GMT: The repository for image docker.synapse.org/syn7368xxx/ppd-test4@sha256:7dbbc37063f18d71.... does not exist or is not accessible by the submission processing infrastructure. is this a known problem?

Created by Russ Ferriday snaggle
All: Please see the instructions page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759 under "Training with Preprocessing" and check that you have followed this step: > While you are on the page, click ?Share? and share your repository with the service account ?dmchallengeit?. This step is required to allow the execution pipeline to access your repository. We will work to add this to the error message you have been receiving. If you have another suggestion for how to make this requirement clearer, please let us know.   If this resolves the problem for you, you can stop reading here, but I'll add a few words to explain why you must do this step: Synapse is a multi-user system allowing you to create entities (projects, folder, files, tables, Docker repositories) and keep them private or share them with others as you see fit. When you *submit* an entity to a challenge evaluation queue, you also give the administrator(s) of the queue permission to access the entity, or more precisely to a snapshot of the entity taken at the time of submission. So if you have a private Docker repository and then submit it, the challenge infrastructure can retrieve it from Synapse without any other explicit grant of authority from you. If, however, you submit a *file* which references a private entity (like a Docker repository), the act of submission only gives the recipient access to the file, not to the referenced entities. So you have to take the additional step of explicitly granting access to the referenced entity(ies).   Hope this helps.
@brucehoff, I received the same message this morning as before on resubmitting the image that failed last night. ``` Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge, syn7429260 (ID 7466843), was invalid. The message is: The repository for image docker.synapse.org/syn7368xxx/ppd-test4@sha256:7dbbc37063f18d71... does not exist or is not accessible by the submission processing infrastructure. ``` So I uploaded another image, and received the same failure. ``` Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge, syn7466863 (ID 7466864), was invalid. The message is: The repository for image docker.synapse.org/syn7368297/missing-repo-test@sha256:5fe01e763... does not exist or is not accessible by the submission processing infrastructure. ``` Clearly the upload is working -- I obtain a sha256 that correlates with the one in the [Docker Image on the site](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7466863). I submit from that page, using the dropdown, as normal. A few minutes later I receive the error above. Let me know if I can provide more information. **Other contestants** -- if you also have this problem, please add a quick note to this topic, including enough data that the organisers can search their logs for evidence of what is going wrong.
I got the submission failure messages at 11:16 am and 1:26 pm EDT (3:16 pm and 5:26 pm GMT) on Friday Oct.28 The message was: The repository for image docker.synapse.org/syn7347###/tmii_2016_10_28a@sha256:68aef9542e01c6c91d8a3a78f06b9a... does not exist or is not accessible by the submission processing infrastructure.
Dear Kim, Thanks for joining the thread. Could you give approximate times of the submission, or some details of the image, so that the team can search the logs for the error. The only thing we can do, as contestants, is provide concise and reliable starting-point data, and hope the tech team can address the problems. --r.
I got the same error, too.

Error:: The repository for image docker.... does not exist or is not accessible page is loading…