Please could you clarify a couple of questions I have about the running of images: - Are the preprocessing and the training images launched at the same time, or is the training image only launched after the preprocessing image has completed? It looks as if they start at the same time. So: - Should we only submit the training image to the challenge after we have had confirmation that the preprocessing image has completed? What I'm trying to understand is the process by which the directory /trainingData on the training system is replaced with the /preprocessingData from the preprocessing system. If it is attached at the launch of the image, then it clearly makes sense only to launch the training image after the preprocessing image has completed - if they are both launched at the same time. If it is attached when the preprocessing image completes, then it makes sense to wait, in the training system, until the directory appears. From the instructions, it looks as if you're supposed to submit both images at the same time, but the logs I'm getting suggest that this is not what we should be doing.

Created by Peter Brooks fustbariclation
OK, thank you, that makes sense - but, I've just launched the training part, and it completed, leaving the pre-processing part still running. I had submitted only the pre-processing earlier, to check. What kicks it off? Is it the submission of the file with the SHA signatures, or it it the submission of the images?
> or is the training image only launched after the preprocessing image has completed? This is the way we do it. > Should we only submit the training image to the challenge after we have had confirmation that the preprocessing image has completed? No. Your submission file contains the reference of the pre-preprocessing container AND/OR training container. You can include both as shown in the documentation. In that case, the training container starts only if the pre-processing container is successfully completed.

Order of execution of images - should we only be submitting the training image after completion of preprocessing? page is loading…