Apparently there was some design change on the page where we used to see our running/pending jobs (!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/406828). I can only see my completed jobs now (historic with useful links to the logs). Not saying this is not valuable information, but having a place to see our submitted (pending/running) jobs was nice too. Any chance we get that back? You could make some sort of a weekly newsletter; letting us know about the changes that are going to be made during the week. I feel the challenge-team keeps doing changes (with a good intention), but we (the challenge contenders) are left clueless, eventually finding out based on trial-and-error. This is very time consuming, and a bit frustrating.

Created by Jose Costa Pereira josecp
Jose: It's true that pending submissions are not shown (but will be in the near future), however *running* submissions should be shown. If that's not the case do let us know. > You could make some sort of a weekly newsletter; Today we will send out the first in a series of newsletters. Your point about unexpected changes is well taken and we can strive to communicate more about the changes.
Dear Jose, Apologies for the delay in response. We are currently working on this issue hope to have it resolved soon. Best, Thomas

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