I built my docker image and pushed to my synapse docker successfully but after I submitted the docker to the challenge I received the following e-mail message:   Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge, syn7319210 (ID 7498505), was invalid. The message is: The repository for image docker.synapse.org/syn7286737/dm_docker@sha256:8431a4ed54608b8b939c758a272c69a0ff179190c6d1d904a9c0c4d1ca252ffc does not exist or is not accessible by the submission processing infrastructure.   I put the zip file of my docker folder to syn7446136. I used the following commands to perform the push:   nvidia-docker login docker.synapse.org nvidia-docker push docker.synapse.org/syn7286737/dm_docker   The file named run_push.log contains the output for the push step. The last line of this file is:   latest: digest: sha256:8431a4ed54608b8b939c758a272c69a0ff179190c6d1d904a9c0c4d1ca252ffc size: 6805   which is the last message generated by the nvidia-docker push command. I will appreciate if you can help. Should I have used docker push instead? Thanks.

Created by Zafer Aydin zaferaydin
I remember reading this but looks like I forgot to share it. Thanks for the help.
Dear Zafer, The `nvidia-docker` push is fine. You must share your repository with `dmchallengeit` so that the submission processing infrastructure has access to it. Please go to [How to submit](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759) for more information under the "Training with Preprocessing" section. Best, Thomas

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