I just tried to submit preprocessing image to express lane (submission id 7519447) but hitting `IndexError: list index out of range` when trying to read data label (cancer or not) in `/metadata/images_crosswalk.tsv`. As far as I understand, it should contains the same structure as the one given to us. Did I miss anything here?

Created by Yohanes Gultom yohanesgultom
@tschaffter I see. I missed this info. Thanks for the prompt response!
The column cancer is no longer available (see "Important information" from https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6174174). However it's a mistake that this file still contains that column. We will update it shortly. Thanks!

IndexError: list index out of range: no label (7th column) in /metadata/images_crosswalk.tsv in express lane page is loading…