Hi. I'm trying to submit as a team, but I have a "Has a conflicting submission" next to my name in the submission modal. How can I solve this? Thanks. Francisco.

Created by Francisco Gutiérrez fgutierr
Hi Thomas, we can submit now. Thanks. Best, Bojan
Dear Thomas, I see invalidated submissions in the express lane. However, this does not seem to solve the "Has conflicting submission" problem when trying to submit as a team member. Is there another possibility, how we could try to solve it. Thanks, Bojan
Dear Tomas, Thank you for your help. I still have the "conflicting submission" status. Perhaps we have to wait some time for it to update? (I'm trying 11 hours after your response) Best, Francisco.
Dear Francisco, and Bojan, Your submissions have been made invalid now. Thank you for your patience. Best, Thomas
Dear Thomas, I have submitted to the Training queue and the Express Lane. Thank you. Best, Francisco.
Dear Thomas, so far I have submitted only to the Express Lane. Thanks. Best, Bojan
Dear Francisco and Bojan, May I ask which evaluation queues you were trying to submit to? This way I can invalidate all the submissions you have made on the evaluation queues. Best, Thomas
Thanks Thomas. It would be very nice if you can invalidate my individual submissions. Best, Francisco.
Hi, I have the same problem. Can the submission as an individual be disabled if you are a member of a team? This would prevent future problems (invalid submissions), which can now easily happen by mistake. Thanks. Bojan
Dear Fgutierr, Thanks for participating in the challenge. Have you submitted to the challenge "as an individual". If so, that is probably why you have conflicting submission, as you can't submit as an individual and also submit as a team. We can possibly make all your submissions up to date invalid so that you can submit as a team. I will check to see if we can do this. Best, Thomas

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