Is the Express Lane down? I submitted a few Docker containers today but still haven't gotten e-mail notification about them yet. Also, I did not see the Express Lane for scoring.

Created by Jeff Lam jeffxl
The express lane was temporarily down but is now back up. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you have further concerns please contact us.
I've been waiting for the past several hours for my express lane submission to finish!
I'm also not getting emails/seeing my submission to the training express lane.
I believe pending submissions in the express lane are not shown in the table.
HI THomas, I'm sending it to Digital Mammography Model Training Express Lane. I've been using it up to 3ish today. Thanks,s Chris
Dear Chris, Are you submitting to Digital Mammography Prediction - Sub-Challenge 1 Express Lane (7500022) and Digital Mammography Prediction - Sub-Challenge 2 Express Lane (7500024)? When I submit to the express lanes, I get email notifications back. Best, Thomas
Hi, The express lanes are still down for me. There are no updates to the express lane wiki page / email notifications. Thanks, Chris
Dear Jeff / Yohanes, The express lanes are up and running now. Please kindly let me know if you are still running into these issues. Best, Thomas
I'm having same issue. Even my submissions are not shown in express lane wiki page until now.

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