I have submitted 3 training models each reusing same preprocessing image. In other word, only the training image was changed every time. So far all of them stuck in `VALIDATED` status without any log. I have canceled 2 of them and 1 of them still running (still stuck in the same status). ![stuck in VALIDATED](https://s14.postimg.org/lrj8apctt/Screenshot_from_2016_12_04_19_12_05.png) Do I need to change the preprocessing image every time?

Created by Yohanes Gultom yohanesgultom
@brucehoff thanks for your clarification. I can see that my submission is running and producing log. > I wouldn't use the word "stuck". The submission was enqueued on the server where your preprocessed data resides while the server ran other submissions. You will now find that 7812767 is in progress. I will remember that. Pardon my choice of word. I used word "stuck" because I didn't get any other feedback than same `VALIDATED` status for more than 5 hours. It would be nice if there is more informative status/notification that explain the status of the job.
> So far all of them stuck in VALIDATED status without any log. I wouldn't use the word "stuck". The submission was enqueued on the server where your preprocessed data resides while the server ran other submissions. You will now find that 7812767 is in progress. > Do I need to change the preprocessing image every time? No, since doing so would cause your cached preprocessing output to be lost and the computation to be repeated. > The submission ID of my stuck job is: 7813600 You will now find that 7813600 has been processed.
I have the same problem too. I also got stuck in previous preprocessing job. Don't know if it is the reason. The submission ID of my stuck job is: 7813600

Model training (regular lane) stuck in validation (3 times in a row) page is loading…