I can't get any email when submitting preprocessing models to express lane, however, my team members can get the emails.

Created by Chao Huang chaohuang
How did you solve the issue? Thanks! I encountered the problem this morning.
Hi Thomas, It has be solved. Thanks!
Dear Chao, Are you still having this issue? Best, Thomas
Yes. I checked the exact one. chaohuang.stat@gmail.com. But no emails on the submission notification are received.
Dear Chao, Apologies for the delay in response. You said that your team mates received emails but not yourself? Are you checking the email that you used to set up your synapse account? Seems weird that you are the only one not being sent an email. I will look into the issue as well. Best, Thomas
Hi Thomas? I checked my settings, that box is checked. I guess maybe there are some other issues. Thanks!
Dear Chao, I see that you submitted as a team. Please go to the your home page in synapse and click on the SETTINGS tab. There, you can will see a check box for `Allow Synapse to send me email notifications`. Please make sure that box is checked so that you can receive those emails. If this box is checked, then I will further investigate what is going on. Best, Thomas
Hi Thomas, I checked the spam folder. No emails can be found there.
Dear Chao, Thats certainly very strange. Have you checked your spam folder? I see that you have also submitted to the non express lane of training and that your submission is being trained. Please kindly wait to see if you get an email from this submission. Best, Thomas

Can't get email when submit preprocessing model to express lane page is loading…