Hi, I just wanted to check that my understanding of "cache" on the preprocessing is correct. if I have successfully ran a preprocessing docker by uploading a script with, ``` preprocessing=docker.synapse.org/syn7221363/dm-preprocessing@sha256:2jkh2k3h2k3jh2jk4h2kjhk2h3kh23... ``` The infrastructure is designed such that I can access the preprocessedData folder created from the above step during training as long as I submit the same preprocessing docker image, is this correct ? Now the submitted log will look something like, ``` preprocessing=docker.synapse.org/syn7221363/dm-preprocessing@sha256:2jkh2k3h2k3jh2jk4h2kjhk2h3kh23... training=docker.synapse.org/syn7221363/dm-training@sha256:8sdf23jl52j3lk2j3lkj23lk2j3lk2j3lk1... ``` Thanks Chris

Created by cdjk
Hi Chris, Thanks for confirming that you found the answer.
confirmed this is correct. response is not necessary. Thanks

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