I submitted a scoring for sub-challenge 2 (express lane) but got this strange error. What does it mean? ``` Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge (submission ID 7827835) has failed to complete its scoring phase. The message is: training is not allowed. ``` FYI my training submission was successful (ID 7827792)

Created by yohanes
Oops, my bad.. Apparently I submitted a wrong file. Thanks for your assistance!
@yohanes: Your submission, 7827835, was this file: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7827759 which contains ``` preprocessing=docker.synapse.org/syn7821845/simple-preprocess@sha256:9039b9cb98a015e7451e71cb535dcf741d0fc8f705b7ea1f47636074098ca0f6 training=docker.synapse.org/syn7821845/vgg16-with-meta@sha256:fda1ca269c1bbfc219217d3fe8f253b9aec804785bd0f7515e14f4fefeb67958 ``` which is appropriate for a training submission but not for a scoring submission. Please refer to the section Submitting an inference method for scoring on this page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759 which explains that the required format is: ``` # This is the Synapse ID of your zipped up model state, returned to you at the end of training. model_state=syn12345 # This is the Docker repository image to be run for scoring. inference=docker.synapse.org/syn12345/your-scorable-repo@sha256:abcdef01234... ```

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