Hi, we are planning to start submitting to the scoring submission, however I would like to share some questions before finalising the submission docker 1- is it possible to know the number of samples in the test set (and if possible number of positive and negative samples)? to estimate the execution time before submitting to docker? 2- in the description of the output file and sub-challenge , only the subject ID, laterality and prediction are required and "No duplicated samples allowed". However, it doesn't specify if the test set can contain more than one exam for the same subject or not, can you please clarify if such case is available or not? if so, a prediction is supposed to be provided for the subject based on one/ or all the exams, or should we add the exam id as well? 3- to make sure that the docker is working correctly, can we run it on a small number of data on the express lane? and does the express lane count as a scoring submission or is it only there to verify that the docker works well with the server interface and generates the results correctly. Thank you in advanced

Created by wissam Baddar wbaddar
Hi, 1. As a rule of thumb, we have decided to not give details about the leaderboard set unless there is an absolutely need to. 2. You don't need to worry about that. Please submit your predictions in the format described on the wiki. > to make sure that the docker is working correctly, can we run it on a small number of data on the express lane? Yes, that's the purpose of the Express Lane. > does the express lane count as a scoring submission or is it only there to verify that the docker works well with the server interface and generates the results correctly. It is the latter. You can submit an unlimited number of times to the Express Lane to check that your method is correctly reading the input and generating the output in the expected format. Thanks!

Questions related to Scoring submission, and test dataset page is loading…