
Created by Yuanfang Guan ???? yuanfang.guan
Dear Yuanfang, Apologies, hope you are doing well as well. The issue with the output directory not being mounted is separate from the emails with the scores not being sent out. I will make sure to not rerun any of your submissions. Thank you for your patience. Best, Thomas
long time no see, thomas yu, i hope you are doing fine. i asked why output directory is not even mounted on the sc1 real scoring line, and never got a response. can you please tell me? also, please do not rerun my submission on my behalf; i plan to get something new to replace that submission once you confirm your system you fixed. actually, **i would appreciate if please in general don't rerun anything on my behalf** i can do by myself
Dear Yuanfang, Apologies for the delay in response. There was an issue with the scoring harness that day, so emails weren't being sent out. I think I rescored those submissions and emails were sent back to you. Best, Thomas

i submitted something to the test fast lane hours ago, and never received anything. does that mean my submission is successful? page is loading…