When I submit as part of a team, my account has a conflicting submission.
Could you solve this problem?
I submitted my submission file to the training lane, one time, by mistake in order to submit it to the express lane and
I have submitted to express lane as individual many times.
Created by MinHwan Yu minhwan90 Dear David,
Apologies for the delay in response. I see that you have submitted as an individual again. Please cancel your submission and I will delete all the submissions you have made to the training queue.
Thomas Hi,
I currently face the same issue that I made a 5 minute lasting submission as an individual to check something without knowing that this would prohibit me from submitting as a team. Could you please invalidate this submission? Thanks your help, Thomas! Dear MinHwan,
Apologies for the delay in response. I have removed your individual submissions to the training lane so you can submit as a team to the training lane. However, I have not removed your submissions to the express lanes, as you have quite a few submissions to those lanes.
Thomas @thomas.yu
Hi Thomas. Could you invalidate my individual submissions? and resolve conflicting submission? I solve this problem.
refer: [Conflicting Problem](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion/threadId=1209)
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