For the submission ID syn7837061, I got the email that it's under processing several times. After the email, I found the log file has been updated. I looked at the log file, it seems the preprocessing is restarted, and everything is processed again. Looks very wired. Is there anything wrong with the server?

Created by Chao Huang chaohuang
The resize in my preprocessing has lasted 8 hours. The competition has a lot of issues and the technically unrelated issues take us a lot of time.
For the same submission syn7837061, I got the email just now, it seems that the preprocessing restarted again...This kind of email for the same submission has been received for several times. Why does the job restart again and again instead of completing?
@chaohuang: Your job was likely migrated to a new server and restarted when a problem occurred with the original one. There is no data loss or concern. The job is now in progress, having run steadily for over three days.   @Anamaria: It looks like your submission (7884245) completed successfully early this morning (12/20).
Hi, Same problem here. I have started a training one day ago but I can only see the preprocessing log with one line (STDOUT: Resizing and converting...) Best, Anamaria
Dear Chao, There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the server, but I will double check with other challenge organizers. Thanks in advance for your patience. Best, Thomas

Preprocessing seem being stuck for several days page is loading…