I just received a validation failure from SC1 express submission queue stating:
predictions.tsv must have headers: subjectId, laterality, predictions
But the wiki page at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759 says:
Prediction file MUST have the headers (case sensitive): subjectId, laterality, confidence
What's the right name?
Created by Prasad Chodavarapu chprasad Dear Prasad,
Apologies for the confusion. The last column should actually be confidence. The emails I was sending out to participant had an error.
Thomas Interestingly, I get the same validation error message even after I changed the name of the last column in predictions.tsv to "predictions". I am not receiving the logs produced by sc1_infer.sh and that means, there is no easy way for me to debug :-(
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confidence or predictions? What's the right name of the last column in predictions.tsv page is loading…