If I understand correctly, subchallenge 1 does not allow use of the information in the exams metadata file. Now that cancer is no longer in the images crosswalk file, where do we find the outcomes? Or will that subchallenge be given a version of the metadata file with outcomes but nothing else? Thanks,

Created by EAC
Ah, right, of course. Thank you!
Training and inference are two different types of submissions. - The training set files are the same for Sub-challenge 1 and 2, independently of whether you are training to participate to SC1 or SC2. Once your training submission has been successfully completed, you will be able to retrieve your trained model. - When submitting your trained model to SC1, your method will only have access to the data listed in the Challenge Dictionary (in agreement with the paragraph that you reproduced from the wiki). > Does a SC1 submission also have access to exams_metadata? An *inference* submission to SC1 does not have access to exams_metadata. Please let us know if this answers your question. If an explanation in the documentation is confusing, this may help us to improve it. Thanks!
Thanks. But the documentation tells me that ``` The input of these scripts are the following: /inferenceData/*.dcm /metadata/images_crosswalk.tsv /metadata/exams_metadata.tsv (SC2 only) . . . ``` (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759) Is this not the case? Does a SC1 submission also have access to exams_metadata?
Hi, The available information for training as well as inference in Sub-challenge 1 and 2 are described in the [Challenge Dictionary](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7214004). The training set files are the same for Sub-challenge 1 and 2.

outcomes for subchallenge 1 training? In metadata file? page is loading…