for my existing training jobs:   A. terminated and all current models lost.   B. terminated and all current models returned.   C. continue to run into 2nd phase.   D. continue to run until the start of 2nd phase -- D(A) or D(B)   Thanks in advance for your feedback.   Yuanfang Guan

Created by Yuanfang Guan ???? yuanfang.guan
Hi Luli, > when is the last day to submit for scoring? Both training and scoring submissions will stop **being accepted** at the end of Dec 23 ET.
Hi, If the training submissions will be allowed to run over the weekend, when is the last day to submit for scoring? Thanks
Hi Yuanfang, We are going with option B. We will allow the training jobs that are still running after the end of Dec 23 to run over the weekend. Training submissions that don't stop over the course of these two days will then be stopped and the current state of the model will be available for download. Thanks!

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