I made two submission to Sub-Challenge 1 Express Lane last night. However, I didn't receive any email regarding my submission status. Is there a way to check the progress of my running submission? Also, just want to make sure. It seems like the columns in /metadata/images_crosswalk.tsv is different between training data and inference data. Is **examIndex** a column only in training meta data not in inferece meta data? Thanks for your help!

Created by Yiqiu Shen ashen
> I made two submission to Sub-Challenge 1 Express Lane last night. However, I didn't receive any email regarding my submission status. Please the second dashboard on this page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/409764
Dear Bibo, If you look in the [challenge dictionary file](syn7214004), the images_crosswalk tab shows what is part of each subchallenge. examIndex is not part of SC1. Best, Thomas
@thefaculty Hi, could you please point out in which documentation did you find this information? Thanks. Hi, @brucehoff @thomas.yu Can you confirm this question? Thanks. If this is true, my inference script is totally wrong.
From their documentation, it seems the "examIndex" is missing for SC1. But I would also like to confirm that.

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