I see the first round closes in just under thirty minutes. Since the crash, six hours ago, I've not had any messages, so I have to believe that my code has worked and I've submitted a valid prediction. Now we wait in eager anticipation of learning how well our code has performed. I wish you all, my fellow competitors, all the very best of luck. Have a happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year - this wish is not just for competitors, but for the Synapse team too, thank you all for your support, and for enabling us to have this enjoyable, and challenging, experience. I do hope that somebody has a brilliant solution - it would be wonderful to know that, as a result of this, thousands of women, in years to come, won't have the distress, and damage, of getting the dreaded call back because of a false positive, or, conversely, died, because of a false negative. This is a very worth-while challenge, as well as an enjoyable one. Regards, Peter

Created by Peter Brooks fustbariclation
Hah, not this time!! We're keeping the deadline intact. Thanks everyone for your participation in this round and happy holidays. Looking forward to the next round of submissions in the New Year!!!
ok... i represent all women thank your efforts... i am a bit surprised that the 1st phase was ended this way. typically, this is the time justin guinney sending out a message that the deadline is going to be extended for 3 days. so at least on this aspect they have made some significant improvement.

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