Hello, my team got the result for the full scoring SC-1 as a Submission Failed, which said that : STDERR: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/output/predictions.tsv' we were told at https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759 : which says: Predictions file The predictions must be saved to /output/predictions.tsv and have the following TSV format: subjectId laterality confidence 1 L 0.01 1 R 0.05 2 L 0.00 2 R 0.01 First, the predictions file must include the ............ So why are we got this error, because we already followed the format of the directory of the output file, and our express lane SC-1 worked just fine which we already got the express lane SC-1 result earlier. Thank you very much Best Regards, Adnan, on behalf of r-team-dm-challenge

Created by Adnan Ardhian adnanardhian
yeaaay,, glad to hear that... Thanks Bruce, Thomas and the team...
Hello Bruce and Thomas, Thanks for the great news, There are no other submissions, only 7898165 and 7892426. OK then, we will wait for the full SC-1 result. Thanks again Bruce,Thomas, and all Synapse Team Regards, Adnan
@diahpitaloka15 and @adnanardhian: We discovered a problem with our submission processing pipeline that *might* cause the `/output` folder to cease being accessible while your submission runs. We believe we have fixed the problem and are willing to rerun any affected submissions. One that was just affected today is 7898165. You also mention 7892426. We will restart these and also search for other affected submissions. Are there any other submissions you know to be affected?   Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
Okay, thanks Thomas...
Dear Diah, Unfortunately, I am not sure how to help you with that issue. I will forward this to my other challenge organizers and hopefully they can assist you before your submission runs through. Best, Thomas
Oh, sory. I forgot to mention our failed submissionId is 7892426. Thanks before.
Hai Thomas, We already found the problem in our script(it based on our analysis). we assume that predictions.tsv already exist just like in the express lane. But in fact, there is no predictions.tsv in 'output' directory and our script didn't handle this problem that it must be created automatically if the predictions.tsv doesn't exist. My team tried to submit another submission to fix this problem but we got warning that said "The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions." we have another submission that still running with submissionId is 7898165. If the synapse team dont mind, would you help us to create blank predictions.tsv in output directory? since the writing of predictions.tsv is going to run in the end of the script. we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you so much. Best Regards, Diah
Dear Adnan, Apologies for the inconvenience. Could you please give me the submissionId of your failed submissions. Did you submit the exact same submission to the express lane as you did to the inference lanes? Best, Thomas

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