Hi, I have received the following message when trying to validate my model on the Digital Mammography Prediction - Sub-Challenge 1 Express Lane: There must at least be one confidence value. Any ideas what did I do wrong? I ran this script locally on the pilot data and the predictions.tsv file has the requested format. Thanks in advance, Anamaria

Created by Anamaria Vizitiu Anamaria
Dear Thomas, Thanks again for looking into this problem. I double checked and I do have values in my prediction file when I run the script on the pilot data. Since there is no log file for this I can't check if there are some inconsistencies in how the input information are structured. Could you please confirm that the header for the images crosswalk file is similar to the one given in the pilot data: filename subjectId examIndex imageIndex laterality view md5 Thanks, Anamaria
Dear Anamaria, It seems that you just didn't write anything else into your prediction file except for the headers. Please check to make sure that you have written values to your prediction file. Best, Thomas
Hi Thomas, My submission id is: 7991672. Thanks for looking into it, Best, Anamaria
Dear Anamaria, What is the submission Id of this submission? My guess is that you don't actually write any values to the prediction file. Best, Thomas

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