I've submitted to it twice, today, but I've not had an e-mail back, and my submissions have not appeared in the express lane. Is there a problem, or is it just slow?

Created by Peter Brooks fustbariclation
Thank you! That really does make life much easier. It is a most welcome enhancement.
Update: We have now changed the submission system so that logs for inference submissions to the 'express lane' are returned. You will receive an email notification with a link to the log file when the submission stops running.
Currently we do not return logs for inference submissions. (We intend to change this for the express lane.) If your submission encounters an error the last few lines of the logs should be included in an email notification.
Thank you for letting me know. There doesn't seem to be a log file - am I looking in the wrong place?
I just checked: Your two submissions, 8006489 and 8006232 have been running for well over the allotted 20 minutes without stopping, so I stopped them.

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