Hello, My submission (ID 8015116) is preprocessing the data, while it should use the already preprocessed data (I did not change the first preprocessing line in the submission file for a while). What happened, the data was eventually erased? I can wait for it to preprocess everything again, but it is quite long and just waste of time and ressources. Could you investigate what happened in order to avoid such problems in the future?

Created by Yaroslav Nikulin (Therapixel) ynikulin
There was a problem with the server running your submission and it had to be restarted. We will be looking into why the problem occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Ok, thanks for clarifying this. Now I have another problem: the preprocessing submission (the same, ID 8015116) stopped updating the log file after having treated a half of all examples. Could you please take a look if it is still alive and working? Thanks!
Hi Yaroslav, Please refer to the section [Pre-processing submission](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759). > Note that the persistent storage of the pre-processed data is actually not guaranteed and depends on the available resources. Thanks!

Preprocessing already preprocessed data ? page is loading…