I have a python script which runs for about 4 minutes in the fastlane before dying. The end of the logfile looks like this STDOUT: 0otpf2qm.dcm 3185 STDOUT: qlt4e8fj.dcm 3186 STDOUT: 050e3tcg.dcm 3187 STDERR: Command exited with non-zero status 1 STDERR: 169.81user 73.33system 4:04.32elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 326712maxresident)k STDERR: 345140inputs+46591648outputs (169major+4889549minor)pagefaults 0swaps The commandline for this : /usr/bin/time python preprocessSimple.py I can see the time output, but nothing like a stack trace. Anyone else have issues like this?

Created by Clinton Mielke subcosmos
Got it now. Ran chmod on the python script and fixed the shebang After this, ultimately the stack trace was way up in the output since STDOUT and STDERR likely flushed at different times.
Tried this, but this just suppresses all output. The official example on github tries writing to /output/, which is also wrong confused time python preprocessSimple.py &> /preprocessedData/out_2.txt

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