Hi, I found one of my preprocessing script is stuck, and tried to cancel it. After 3 hours, it is still showing that it is "in progress" and "cancel requested". And as I submit a new docker image to rerun and debug the issue, the new docker image is queued up and not get a chance to run. Express Lane Model Training Submission ID Status Status Detail Cancel Submitted On Last Updated Submitted Repository or File File Version Log Folder Submitting User or Team Model State File 8064032 RECEIVED 01/23/2017 07:19:37PM 01/23/2017 07:19:37PM syn8054570 3 8063659 EVALUATION_IN_PROGRESS IN PROGRESS Cancel Requested 01/23/2017 04:28:43PM 01/23/2017 07:54:09PM syn8054570 2 syn8063690 3348552 8054571 CLOSED ERROR 01/22/2017 10:08:10AM 01/22/2017 10:13:48AM syn8054570 1 syn8054575 3348552 syn8054585 Thanks!

Created by jkjk69
Dear challenge participant, Your submission has been closed. Thanks for your patience. Best, Thomas
The submission id for the job that need to be canceled is 8063659 in case it is not easily visible in the original thread. It is still showing "in progress", thanks!

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