Our team submitted 'sc1 submission lane' at '02/02/2017 04:00:41PM' | Submission ID | Status | Status Detail | Submitted On | Last Updated | Submitted Repository or File | File Version | Submitter |Submitter| |----|----|----|----|----|----|----| | 8117176 |OPEN |VALIDATED BUT NOT YET EXECUTED| 02/02/2017 04:00:41PM |02/02/2017 04:01:06PM |syn8115309| 8| 334775| I am waiting about 1 day. Could you let me know when our submission will start?

Created by MinHwan Yu minhwan90
Hi TamThuc Do, > May I ask what happen to the submission, which is "VALIDATED BUT NOT YET EXECUTED", after Feb. 7 when round 2 is closed ? We will try our best to process all the submissions sent before the round closes. Thanks!
For your information, I have waited for 4 days now. but I think it is getting close.
Dear CHALLENGE ORGANIZERS May I ask what happen to the submission, which is "VALIDATED BUT NOT YET EXECUTED", after Feb. 7 when round 2 is closed ? Will it still be EXECUTED or ... ?
This should work to get a submission's position in the queue (although could be much more efficient by filtering the query - I tried filtering by status in the python API and it ignored the filter for some reason). Would need to be run by someone with permission to view all submissions though... ```python import synapseclient from getpass import getuser, getpass client = synapseclient.Synapse() client.login(email=getuser(), password=getpass()) def get_submissions( client, # synapse python client eval_name='Digital Mammography Model Training', status="VALIDATED", myOwn=False, # need permissions ): evaluation = client.getEvaluationByName(eval_name) submissions = client.getSubmissionBundles(evaluation, myOwn=myOwn, #status=status, # doesn't work... ) filtered = [_[1]['id'] for _ in submissions if _[1]['status'].startswith(status)] # workaround return filtered def get_num_ahead(client, sub_id, submissions=None, **kwargs): if submissions is None: submissions = get_submissions(client, **kwargs) return submissions.index(sub_id) # Example for my own submissions get_submissions(client, myOwn=True, # need permissions status="VALIDATED") ```
@fustbariclation that's why we should submit early, at least we should submit previous round's best result on the first few days of each round. we are given three submissions each round, that's a lot. I think even after the third round the majority of the teams would still not be able to submit a valid version, because of trying to find a better version. Anyway, the way that I think this kind of competition is, if you submit, you will have some chance; if you don't submit, your chance is zero no matter what. so to ensure there is a valid submission in every round is way more important than trying to find a perfect solution.
That would be really useful. I've also got a submission that's been waiting two days. My concern is that, if there are errors, that I need to fix, there won't be time before the end of this round. I have been trying to use the express lane. The problem I'm having is that my script is being timed out, it seems at the same place each time, even though I've progressively reduced the number of images I'm looking at.
Is there a way maybe to let people know how many submissions are ahead of them? That might be helpful (even if it doesn't provide an exact amount of time). Pretty sure it would just be a matter of getting submissions from an evaluation with status "VALIDATED BUT NOT EXECUTED" and ranking them by ID (since those are sequential). Wouldn't be hard to do with the API, but we don't have the permissions to see other requests (understandably).
Hi MinHwan, Please see this general [answer regarding waiting time](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion/threadId=1497&replyId=9736). Moreover, we are currently in the final days of Round 2 and the entire capacity of the Cloud is being used. > Could you let me know when our submission will start? Unfortunately no because we have no information regarding how long a submission need to complete.

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