We suspect that the Job finally ended producing the /output/precitions.tsv, but some part of the code has genarated an exception and seems that the files is not being to be considered. Could you test it this is true?

Created by Kiko Albiol kikoalbiol
> So conditions for training are quite different of conditions about evaluation! For training and evaluation your model is provided the *same* memory (both RAM and video/GPU).
So conditions for training are quite different of conditions about evaluation! That means an unfair cost in time/preparation of different resources for different porpoises. Safest means in this case changes.
Probably safest thing to do is to process exams one by one. Might be slower but would avoid memory and space concerns.
this is exactly my nightmare. as I don't know how many individuals you have, maybe i am already at the edge of memory limit.
The tail of your log reads: ``` Mistmatch size there are more than a patient list! Exams: images_crosswalk Imagenes de RETO1 [virtual void contest_dream_analisis::print(std::ostream&) const] [count_images_with_no_cancer] = 0 [count_images_with_cancer] = 0 [count_images_with_no_cancer_rejected] = 0 [count_images_with_cancer_rejected] = 0 [virtual void generic_analisis::print(std::ostream&) const] ================================================ Images with cancer for training: 0 Images with NO cancer for training: 0 Images cancer for validation: 0 Images NO cancer for validation: 0 ================================================ [virtual void generic_analisis::print(std::ostream&) const] [virtual void contest_dream_analisis::print(std::ostream&) const] Images with data fliped: 0 Setting new features to 1: 0 /sc1_infer.sh: line 19: 10 Killed python /root/bin/evaluation.py ``` The Docker container terminated with code 137. Reading web forums this most often occurs when there is an out-of-memory issue causing the operating system to send a KILL signal to the offending process. The fact that your logs have the line "...Killed..." reinforces this idea.   Hope this helps.

Please what happens with this JOUB 8104082 page is loading…