Hello, My submissions to the express lanes: 8207031, 8206861, 8206855 have been in PROGRESS for more than 5 hours without finishing of providing any feedback. Can you please check if there is something wrong? On the other side my submissions: 8136121, 8129849, 8135352 have not started their execution although they were sent on last friday. I am afraid that if there is any thing that is wrong we won't be able to submit any model to round 2. Could you consider all this technical issues during the last days and extend the deadline for round 2 until these issues with the servers are cleared? Thanks

Created by Kiko Albiol kikoalbiol
Dear Kiko, I believe I addressed some of these issues in another thread. The 3 first submissions you are talking about are invalid submissions and submission 8135352 is evaluating. We will not be extending the deadline. Best, Thomas

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