My recent submission (running ID 8212317) seems killed by system. Log file, said "/ line 30: 17 Killed python" in which is my training script. Could you pls fix it ?

Created by Dan Chen Error202
@brucehoff Everything work fine on my computer. But the log said system kill my job which I show above ``` "/ line 30: 17 Killed python" ``` if nothing was viewed as wrong it should not kill my program liangjian
@Error202: Your submitted Docker container completed with an error code of 0. Nothing was viewed as wrong from the standpoint of the model processing pipeline and there's nothing apparent to us to "fix". If you feel this result is incorrect you may resubmit and see if you get the same result. You can also try running your container locally to see if the result is different.   Hope this helps.
Dear Dan, We are currently looking into this. Best, Thomas

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