Hi, I submitted (submission id = 8104925) a model to the express lane for sub-challange 1 on 01/31/2017 and the auc was around 0.56. Today, I submitted (submission id = 8220181) the exactly same model which results in a 0.194 auc. I totally understand that the numbers in the express lane is not reliable. But I just want to check if this huge difference is due to some underlying change in the eval code or if I messed something up seriously. Thanks for your time! A.S.

Created by Yiqiu Shen ashen
Dear Yiqiu, At first glance it appears that the docker containers you submitted are different (The sha256). It appears that you have made changes to your docker container, but I have not looked in depth into your two docker containers. Please look at the files that you submitted per submissions and look into the docker containers. Best, Thomas
Hi Thomas, Thanks for looking into this issue. Here are the info: Submission 1, 01/31/2017, log file: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8104738, submission ID 8104925, submitted repo syn7835091, version 18. Submission 2, 02/06/2017, log file: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8220194, submission ID 8220181, submitted repo syn7835091, version 23. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Thanks, A.S
Hi Yiqiu, Can you please provide the submissions of these two jobs? Thanks!

Sub-challange 1 Express Lane shows very different score for the SAME model page is loading…