Dear technical team, I would like to cancel all old submission except this one: Submission ID|Status|Status Detail|Submitted On|Last Updated|Submitted Repository or File|File Version|Submitter 8221513|OPEN|VALIDATED BUT NOT YET EXECUTED|02/07/2017 02:52:55PM|02/07/2017 02:53:47PM|syn8220842|1|3344599

Created by Riman Bin Sulaiman riman
many thanks ?
Dear Riman, All your submissions have been cancelled except for 8221513 Best, Thomas
yes, please.
Dear Riman, You submissions have been cancelled for sc1 inference lane. I see that you have two submissions to the sc2 inference lane: 8180321, 8180324. Did you want those cancelled? Best, Thomas

Please.. cancel all old submissions except last one page is loading…