Can you please tell me if for **ALL** individuals in /metadata/exams_metadata.tsv, a later visit of a patient must occur after an earlier visit?   I have a significant drop in performance when putting in metadata, but I am not sure if it is caused by **a concurrent bug that I assumed your file follows visit sequence but you actually don't follow the sequence **, or overfitting. To figure out this, I will have to waste a submission. Can you just please clarify this?   This information is preferably released, as it releases no info on your data, but just how you format it, and I am sure everyone else has this question in mind as well.

Created by Yuanfang Guan ???? yuanfang.guan
Hi Yuanfang, > is it for sure that exam 1's line in metadata will occur before exam 2's line in metadata? The official answer is that the index of the exams must be used to determine the sequence of exams. That said, the exams in the metadata file of the Leaderboard scoring set are indeed sorted chronologically with the latest exam (the one to predict) being listed on the last line for a given subject. However, I can't confirm that this assumption will also be valid for the Validation Phase.
Hi, Thomas, my question is when there are two visits, is it for sure that exam 1's line in metadata will occur before exam 2's line in metadata? Because I am taking all last time variables as I assume that they occur the last in the individual, without reading the exam sequence. Then, now I am not so sure I actually read the last one. You see, obviously I can submit another one fix this, but i will have to waste a submission, if actually this is not the problem.
Hi Yuanfang, > Can you please tell me if for ALL individuals in /metadata/exams_metadata.tsv, a later visit of a patient must occur after an earlier visit? Not all the subjects in the test set have a previous exams. From the [Challenge Questions](!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401749): > In Sub-challenge 2 one or more screening mammography exams are given for a subject along with metadata (clinical and demographic) information. If there is one exam, then the inference has to be made based on that exam and the metadata. Thanks for your patience regarding your second thread. We will answer it shortly.

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