Hello, Is there any way of getting some feedback about the progress of our submissions on the round 2 inference submissions? The evaluation process is taking long and it would be great to get from time to time the last lines of the logs to see that everything is working fine Last question is how many test images are there in the sc1 and sc2 problems (just to get an estimation of when is it going to finish) Thanks!

Created by Kiko Albiol kikoalbiol
You should see your submissions here (if not, let us know): https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/409764
Dear Kiko, There is currently not a place to track the running submissions and I'm unsure if this feature will be implemented. Best, Thomas
Thanks, Thomas. Is there any place to track this information?
Dear Kiko, There are 9 waiting inference submissions for sc1 and 6 waiting inference sc2. Best, Thomas

Progress on inference submissions page is loading…