Hello, I have submitted a test submission to the training express lane, though it hasn't been run for quite some time. It says it has been received in my submission table ( submission ID 8305676). Just wondering if there is a problem with the express lane, if the queue is just quite large or if there is a problem in my submission. Just asking as I haven't had any problems with delays of any sort with the express lane up until now. Kind regards, Ethan

Created by Ethan Goan ethan.goan
Dear Ethan/Bill, I think all the submissions in the express lane has run now. Best, Thomas
I am also noticing a delay both for the express lane and the regular training lane. In the past, when it's gotten stuck because it's waiting for other jobs to finish, it sits in "Validated" status. I am also seeing the "Received" status now, which makes me think it's something different.

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