"message":"oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused \"exec: \\\"/preprocess.sh\\\": stat /preprocess.sh: no such file or directory\"\n"}

Created by nedjar imane imane
Thank you again for you answer I have just used the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) to execute binary file and I didn't used cuda . Best regards
> how mutch times we have for preprocessing ? 30 minutes. You can interrogate the environment variable 'WALLTIME_MINUTES' to find the time limit. > what I must do to improve the time of preprocessing ? Not knowing the details of the software you are using it is hard to say. You might check that you are effectively using the provided resources (22 CPUs and a dedicated Tesla K80 board with nearly 5000 GPU cores). Also, keep in mind that the intent of the express lane is not to run a complete machine learning job but rather to help you check that your code is error free before submitting it to the longer running leaderboard.   Hope this helps.
> because I create the preprocess.sh in windows it didn't work That is interesting and possibly relevant. If you do a google search on the error message you received, 'exec user process caused exec format error', you will find this discussion: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41417532/why-wont-my-docker-cmd-execute-with-sh which says, in part > it is very likely that your *.sh files have Windows style (CRLF) line endings. If you convert them to Unix/Linux style (LF), it should be fine to go. > I am not sure about the right tools on Windows to check and fix the line endings but Notepad++ should be able to do it.
Thank you for your answer I have tested it by using "#!/bin/sh" but it didn't work , so I removed it .But because I create the preprocess.sh in windows it didn't work and following your suggestion I put "#!/bin/sh" and I create the preprocess.sh on linux centos, and finally it works ! thank you. When I submitted the preprocess I have got this message after a half hour (submission ID 8369916) has stopped before completion. The Submission exceeded allotted time only 789 images was preprocessed how mutch times we have for preprocessing ? what I must do to improve the time of preprocessing ? Best regards
@imane I see this file in your submission: ``` # cat preprocess.sh echo "imane" PREPROCESS_DIRECTORY="preprocessedData" mkdir -p $PREPROCESS_DIRECTORY echo "open generate image" ./generateimage echo "fin" ``` The immediately obvious error is a lack of a interpreter directive. As stated in the challenge instructions: > Please ensure your entry points... have executable permission enabled and that they start with an interpreter directive like "#!/bin/sh".
Thank you for your answer submission ID is 8366891 docker.synapse.org/syn8100538/dreampreprocess@sha256:1851565e2dde9a862c2115af5a583abcffab0267d56df6c4b17730a044933320
What is the seven digit submission ID?
Thank you for your answer , In the pre-processing submission I have another error message Error encountered during training. STDERR: 2017-03-02T05:57:24.155042445Z standard_init_linux.go:178: exec user process caused "exec format error I deleted the file .exe of preprocessing from dockerfile and i got the same message error I don't know where is the mistake!! Best regards
Dear Nedjar, This error means that you don't have /preprocess.sh in your docker image. Please make sure you have copied your preprocess.sh file into the root directory. If this is not the issue, please provide me with your submission Id so I can have a more in depth look. Best, Thomas

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