Hi, I don't think I've found a solid answer here. What happens after the deadline for an inference docker that is submitted and running correctly before the deadline? Thanks, Michael

Created by Michael Hsieh michaelhsieh
Hi Bibo, > You mentioned here the wall time is 12 days, but in the other thread is 18 days. Which one is the correct one? For Round 3, the wall time is 12 days. The other thread was regarding the Validation Phase where there will be roughly 50% more scoring data than in the Leaderboard Phase, thus leading to a wall time of 18 days. > I am wondering if you can let us know the rough number of testing image in the inference test data set. Today's newsletter specifies the number of subjects to process. You now have all the information available to determine whether your method should complete on time (keep a margin of safety). Also, I recommend you to write the percentage of subjects processed in `/progress.txt` (see the [newsletter sent on Feb. 22](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401744)). You will then be able to keep track of this value directly from your Dashboard. Thanks!
@darrylbobo In a previous thread it was mentioned that 128 000 scans are in the validation set, and presumably it hasn't changed
@tschaffter You mentioned here the wall time is 12 days, but in the other thread is 18 days. Which one is the correct one? BTW, since the inference submission requires to make prediction on the fly, I am wondering if you can let us know the rough number of testing image in the inference test data set. Then, I can decide if I need to simplify or optimize my current code. Thanks.
Hi Michael, We have to set a wall time (maximum amount of time that a submission is allowed to run) for submissions otherwise we have no way to know when the Challenge will end. Based on available data, we have set the wall time for inference submissions in Round 3 to 12 days. This information is part of a newsletter that will be sent shortly. Thanks!
Hi Tom, Thanks for your quick reply. So the submission will guarantee to finish? Some threads I read are saying that those submission might get cut anytime due to computer maintenance. Michael
Dear Michael, The submission will be valid for the 3rd round. Best, Tom

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