hi, how can i download my model state?? Your request to unlock model state file NA associated with submission NA is rejected. The reason given is: Expected two lines but found 1 for {"fileSizeBytes":96554,"submissionId":"8486051","fileEntityId":"syn8487564","teamId":"3345069","expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00","createdOn":"2017-03-19.15:45:40"}8B939pgBCTI1ACmGSayG7KY4T4o=

Created by nedjar imane imane
It looks like you lost a carriage return from the token.   Would you please simply forward the entire email message you received to the specified email address, without modifying the content? If that does not work kindly let us know.

model state file NA associated with submission NA page is loading…