our request to unlock model state file NA associated with submission NA is rejected. The reason given is: Expected two lines but found 1 for {"fileSizeBytes":96554,"submissionId":"8486051","fileEntityId":"syn8487564","teamId":"3345069","expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00","createdOn":"2017-03-19.15:45:40"}8B939pgBCTI1ACmGSayG7KY4T4o=.

Created by nedjar imane imane
@imane The email is correct. There are four lines in the 'token'. The third is simply a [Base64 encoded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64) binary string. The problem with the email as forwarded to Synapse is that the carriage return (end of line) between the second and third lines was lost. If the email as shown in this thread is forwarded, the data-unlock process should work fine.
Dear Bruce Hoff I think that the email is not complete (there is "=" and none sentence after), this is the original email Dear nedjar imane (imane): Your Submission to the Digital Mammography challenge (submission ID 8486051) has completed its training phase. Your logs are available here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8486058. The state of your model has been archived. Its size is 0.0001 GB. Your team has already retrieved 0.0048 GB of the 35 GB allowed in the challenge round. To retrieve the model state for this submission, forward this email to dmchallengeDataRetrieval@synapse.org, taking care to include the FOUR LINE data access token attached below. Please direct any questions to the challenge forum, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion. Sincerely, Challenge Administration ===============TOKEN_BOUNDARY=============== {"fileSizeBytes":96554,"submissionId":"8486051","fileEntityId":"syn8487564","teamId":"3345069","expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00","createdOn":"2017-03-19.15:45:40"} 8B939pgBCTI1ACmGSayG7KY4T4o= ===============TOKEN_BOUNDARY===============
A carriage return was lost in the text you sent. Would you please try forwarding the original email you received to the indicated email address, without any modification?

model state file NA associated with submission NA page is loading…