I have one inference submission (ID:8489907) that was in evaluation. I estimated the time and it won't be able to finish within 12 days. Is it possible to cancel this and re-submit another one? This job was submitted before the email clarified that max processing time was 12 days. Maybe @thomas.yu , can you please help? Thank you

Created by Rui Hou ruihou
Hi Tom, Thank you for replying. I couldn't cancel that submission since it's already in processing so doesn't have the cancel button. That was a submission before the clarifying email of maximum 12 days processing time. Is it possible to cancel it now? Thank you
Dear Rui, Please go to this [page](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/409764) to cancel your running submission. Best, Tom

Is it possible to cancel one inference job that is already in progress? page is loading…