Hello This submission has been restarted several times according to the progress, is there any problem with it or with the servers?

Created by Alberto Albiol alalbiol
I can see the slow progress of this submission. In my opinion this is too slow compared to the progress rate that we achieved for submission 8504081 in sc1, which shares 99% of the code and could finish with any issue
@alalbiol: A server running two submissions, one of which was 8504086, spontaneously rebooted twice. Each time the states of the submissions were lost so, to be safe, we restarted them. The second time this happened we took efforts to *split* them up, each to its own machine. Your submission 8504086 is now running alone, on a machine different from the one which rebooted.   @ruihou Your machine was running on a server that crashed. We have definitively identified and corrected the cause and restarted your submission.   All: In all cases we measure the 'wall time' for each submission from the time we *last* started your submission (not from the time we *first* started your submission). We make our best effort not to penalize you if your submission encounters a spurious failure not caused by the submission itself.
Hi Tom, My submission(ID 8509096) has been restarted too, can you please also take a look at it? Thanks, Rui
Dear Alberto, Apologies for the delay in response. We are looking into this. Best, Tom

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