i have this message error
predictions.tsv must have headers: subjectId, laterality, confidence , but the log file contain the folowing line
STDOUT: 2017-04-02T22:33:16.913358072Z subjectId laterality confidence
STDOUT: 2017-04-02T22:33:16.913361012Z 00usx1ff R 0.81
STDOUT: 2017-04-02T22:33:16.913363931Z 00usx1ff L 0.91
STDOUT: 2017-04-02T22:33:16.913366728Z 02icdi5g R 0.13
STDOUT: 2017-04-02T22:33:16.913369537Z 02icdi5g L 0.91
Created by nedjar imane imane Dear Thomas Yu,
It ok,thank you for your answer.
best regards Dear Nedjar,
Yes that would be correct. Please make sure you use the same format for your submission to the validation queue so that there won't be any errors in your prediction file.
Tom Dear Thomas Yu
Thank you for your answer .
I have used the images_crosswalk.tsv to get the subjectId and laterality ,
I modified the folowing matlab code from
fileID = fopen('output/predictions.tsv','wt');
fileID = fopen('output/predictions.tsv','w');
then the problem is resolved and I got the following message
Sub-Challenge 1 Express Lane has been scored.
Is that correct ?
best regards Dear Nedjar,
How are you getting the subjectId and laterality? If you are getting these values from the metadata then it could be an issue from our end.
Tom Drear Thomas Schaffter
Thank you very much for your answer , I added (tab-separated values) , and now I have another problem that is " SubjectIds must be part of the gold standard."
I don't know what is the gold standard?
The result that I have are like this :
00usx1ff R 0.81
00usx1ff L 0.91
02icdi5g R 0.13
I have changed the SubjectIds but I have always the same error message
1 R 0.81
1 L 0.91
2 R 0.13
Thank you for your help Hi nedjar,
Is your predictions file in TSV format (tab-separated values; see [Submitting Models](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/wiki/401759))?
Drop files to upload
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