Hello, I've tried several times to access the model state but I always get the error message: Dear Challenge Participant: Your request to unlock model state file NA associated with submission NA is rejected. The reason given is: Invalid signature for {"fileSizeBytes":92152491,"submissionId":"8470444","fileEntityId":"syn8521419","teamId":"3342459","expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00","createdOn":"2017-03-24.15:59:18"} Ml2DvDhS/TeBfQnvgM2l77A1s08= . Please direct any questions to the challenge forum, https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion. Sincerely, Challenge Administration I checked other posts in the discussion forum and I've tried to copy paste the token only etc but nothing works... What am I doing wrong?

Created by Lisa Herzog LiHe
@LiHe, syn8521423 is now available to you.
Bruce, thank you very much for your help! I have the same problem with another model: ===============TOKEN_BOUNDARY=============== {"fileSizeBytes":46156155,"submissionId":"8470445","fileEntityId":"syn8521423","teamId":"3342459","expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00","createdOn":"2017-03-24.15:59:49"} GNiQUu7tTRjbD9TuGIxdulh3ZeU= ===============TOKEN_BOUNDARY=============== Would it be possible to unlock this one manually too? Thank you very much in advance.
> What am I doing wrong? Don't know off the top of my head. Somehow the signed character string has been changed in the process of sending the email, rendering the digital signature incorrect. Using email is not the cleanest way to ask you to interact with the system but we needed to build this feature very quickly and it was the most expedient approach. > Strange that the date it expires is before the creation date... Ha, yeah! The expiration for all tokens is hard coded to the end of the Round, which was 3/22. We let a few submissions run beyond the end while we reclaimed servers, meaning that the token was potentially created after the end of the round. In retrospect the idea that you would claim all model state by the end of the round was a bit too restrictive.   For expediency I manually released the file for you to access, here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8521419
Yeah, that can be an issue on the cloud side, to check with organizers.
Yaroslav, thank you for your reply. I already tried to unlock the way you proposed in the other thread but it didn't work either. Yeah good point..Strange that the date it expires is before the creation date...
Also, it is probably already expired: expiresOn":"2017-03-22.08:00:00
Probably the same issue as here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn4224222/discussion/threadId=1769

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